GPS Units
Information about which GPS units have USNG capability is hard to find. When reviewing individual user manuals, the topic, if addressed, is dealt with inconsistently and usually as an afterthought to a discussion about some other topic such as: datums, grids, coordinates, or measurement. However, based on information provided by manufacturers, GPS units that have a known ability to display the USNG/MGRS coordinate system are noted below. The information below is provided for awareness purposes only and does not represent endorsement of any specific product.
DeLORME: With a long history of support to the Emergency Services Sector, DeLORME offers a USNG focused product line and associated software. On March 3, 2016, DeLorme become a part of the Garmin family of businesses.
Garmin: The giant among GPS manufacturers, Garmin offers USNG capability in all its hand-held units, and some of its automobile units.
Lowrance: Lowrance is primarily a manufacturer of nautical GPS equipment, however, it sells two hand-held models that have USNG capability.
Magellan: Despite producing a large number of GPS models, only three from Magellan’s eXplorist series are reportedly USNG capable. They are the eXplorist 510, 610, and 710.
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